
Coming up for air


Jacquie had been meaning to learn to swim properly for years but her work hadn’t allowed her the time. Learning to breathe was a revelation for her and she goes from strength to strength. The video clip shows how Ian and Cheryl helped her develop her swimming technique over her course of 8 lessons.

Throughout my adult life, I have enjoyed swimming but have been restricted to ‘head out of the water’ breaststroke and an ability to tread water.

I came to Swimming Without Stress,  hoping to develop a ‘proper’ breaststroke and, with that, much more confidence in the water.

From the start of the first session, I knew that I had made the right decision. With a pair of goggles selected by Ian, and a simple breathing exercise, within minutes  I was comfortable placing my head under the water.

From there my confidence grew, as Ian and Cheryl helped me to relax and to learn to float on front and back, to shift position and, finally, to try the ‘head under water’ breaststroke that I was so keen to master.   

By the last of the eight sessions (on day four), that ‘new’ breaststroke had begun to develop and I was beginning to realise that activities which might have seemed out of reach – such as snorkelling – were entirely possible and could actually be looked forward to.

In four days, Swimming Without Stress has given me a huge amount of confidence in the water and has transformed the way that I feel about swimming.

Thank you!

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