
View Pirana Goggles Review

The mirrored version has been Ian’s choice over the summer…

“ They weigh almost nothing, and I don’t feel them on my face. They don’t give the sensation of tunnel vision that other small goggles do. The straps are hypoallergenic, soft and easy to adjust. They haven’t leaked for me at all and they’re still not fogging up after 3 months.”

I was sent a sample of the mirrored lens View Pirana goggles in April. I haven’t used anything else since then. I’ve worn them in the sea, river, quarry and pool.

Some mirrored lenses take away the sun’s glare but don’t help you see very much under water. On a very clear water swim in the Witch’s Cauldron (see video), the vision in these as I floated around over the seaweed and between the jellyfish was exceptional. In the river too, they have enhanced my vision underwater.  Because of the way they performed, I actually mistook the mirrored lenses for polarized.

They’ve done a great job in the pool too, not making everything dark like some mirrored lens goggles do.

They weigh almost nothing and I don’t feel them on my face.  They don’t give the sensation of tunnel vision that other small goggles do.  The straps are hypoallergenic, soft and easy to adjust. They haven’t leaked for me at all and they’re still not fogging up after at least 3 months of kicking around in my swimming trug and coming with me on all my dips.

In my experience, mirrored lenses are more likely to fog up than clear lenses. I don’t know why this is but the lenses in these goggles haven’t fogged up at all, performing better than any others I’ve used, clear or tinted, including ones from the View range.   

I really like the mirrored version of these goggles and I feel quite attached to my current pair. No one swimming goggle works for everyone but this one definitely does it for me.

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